
Monday, August 1, 2011

What Am I Getting Into?

Dear reader, it is August. It is August. How did that happen?

I created this blog nearly a year ago (though I didn't actually post until September of last year). Since then, my posts have been very sporadic, and I've had several long absences. My third post was titled I'm Back. With each return, after much apologizing and naming of excuses, I've promised to try to post more frequently, and promptly poofed. In a year, I've posted less than fifty times.

Starting now, I am going to post every day.

That's not a promise, because you can see how well that's worked before. I don't know how long it will last, either. But I'm hoping even if it's for a few months, it will get me in the habit of finding things to write about, remembering to write about them... not that I'd ever forget or anything... and scheduling posts. This post is, in fact, scheduled. So it was weird to write, "It is August," at the beginning, because it isn't August. Maybe that's why I was so shocked.

This means a decrease in the quality of posts, I'm sure, (That's possible? you ask), but it also likely entails many late-night last-minute rambles, which may be amusing.

Oh, and it's Musical Monday, isn't it? This is the happifying Bach piece I mentioned in my last post:

That's not me playing, as you can (hopefully) tell by the big hands and skill of the guy, but I am learning it this month. It's hard, but so much fun! I have to try very, very hard to exercise self-control and not over-practice it. But once I start, it's so hard to stop...

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