
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stages of an Essay

1. Think. 

And think.

And think.

And think.

2. Write.

And write.

And write.

And write.

3. Read what has been written.

"I seriously wrote that?"

"That will never do."

4. Despair.

5. Regroup.

6. Employ Little Brother's hair-plucking services.

7. Practice aim.

8. Refocus self on task at hand.

9. Blog about it.

Well, now you know what's been holding me up lately. Maybe if I ever get this thing finished I'll start posting again.

It's times like these I'm glad I'm a self-directed learner and I never was forced to write papers of any sort. I wrote so much on my own about what I was learning my mother saw no need to constrain me to assigned essays and thereby squelch my creativity. In fact, as a child I compiled books about my studies, so why should I have been limited to mere essays?

But now I am applying for a camp, and I must write an essay to turn in with the application.

Woe is me.


  1. What camp? What camp? *is excited*
    Antispam word: sopsyc

    1. It's a camp held by the vet school for incoming juniors and seniors interested in the veterinary field. :D
      I'm picturing some sort of mythological creature...

  2. my friend & i got a grand kick out of this at a sleepover. :D

  3. *laughs* Wonderful! This rather looks like me trying to write a history report. Save instead of little brother hair plucking service, it is *KITTY CAT!!!! COME HERE!!!! .... COME B A C K!!!!!!!* *cough cough* right. Focus. Then take aim ;)

    1. Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one. *giggles*


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