
Sunday, August 21, 2011

How Blessed Am I

I am very weary. Yesterday was a long day, and the morning already has been tiring. (Which basically translates as, Please excuse the poorly writtenness of this post.)

Sometimes the irksome little things in life add up and make it seem as though the world is coming to an end. Have you ever felt that way? To paraphrase a friend of mine (who put it much more eloquently), some days I want to find a little hollow in the universe, and curl up in this hollow with a blanket and a good book and never come out again.

But when I feel this way, snuggled into the sofa with a blanket and a book and a dog lying on my feet--in a heated, air-conditioned home with a pantry filled with food and faucets flowing with potable water, in a safe neighborhood--I am reminded of those not so fortunate, the cancer patients and the impoverished, the orphans and the widows, those struggling to provide for their family, while I, a young teenage girl, have really not a worry in the world. And I praise Him for all that with which He has blessed me, and I pray for those less fortunate. And I feel better.

I am glad also that the trials which I do endure allow me to empathize more deeply with those faced with much greater ones.

On a lighter note, the puppy is doing much better today. He jumps and plays and actually seems to care what's happening to him. Maybe he was just dehydrated. There still has been no word from his owners, although a lady called who was missing her beagle.

It's hard to walk because he romps along underfoot, pouncing my feet and pulling at my pants!


  1. Thank you for commenting over at my site! I encourage you to pray about this project, to see whether or not God is behind it. I have developed a few more ideas about the logistics of such a group, and you can contact me at picturingbritain [at] gmail [dot] com to continue the conversation!

    P.S. Adorable picture of the doggles!

  2. The puppy is so adorable! If he isn't claimed, do you get to keep him?

  3. Abby--I just emailed you. (:

    Kayla--Isn't he? Hehe, no. We already have two dogs, and our hands are full with the baby. xD We might take him to a basset hound rescue.

  4. Thanks for the email, Olivia!

    I just had to comment on this post:
    I know that feeling! That feeling that everything is going wrong, is meaningless, etc. But we do have SO much to be grateful for :)

    P.S. I tried my hand at NaNoWriMo for the first time last year (didn't go nearly fast enough to actually win!), and the product is my novel-in-progress over at

    God Bless!

  5. Exactly! :)

    NaNoWriMo is a little crazy, isn't it? My third attempt was the first successful one at the full 50k; the first two years I only won through the Young Writers Program.
    I love your premise!


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