
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Days 12 through 30

Alas, I failed the 30 Day Challenge miserably. To the newer readers, it was a challenge to post once a day for thirty days, following a list of subjects to write about. I... didn't do so well.

In case anyone wants to read it, here's the remainder of it in a nutshell:

Day 12: A Song I Want Played at My Wedding
Um... the Bridal March?

Day 13: A Guilty Pleasure
Hmm, I'm not sure. I do love candy...

Day 14: A Vacation I Would Like to Take
There are so many! Europe, Africa, Australia, Canada, and so many just in the US.

Day 15: A Person I Admire
I have been blessed with so many wonderful people in my life, there are a lot of people I admire for many things!

Day 16: A Song That Makes Me Cry
I don't think I've ever cried while listening to a song. I feel so heartless.
Day 17: An Art Piece
I'm not quite sure what this means, but here's a Monet I saw at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York last December.

Day 18: A Time When I Felt Passionate and Alive
Right now!

Day 19: A Talent of Mine
I have many, many talents. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Successfully tripping whenever I walk on a flat, stable, obstacle-free surface
  • Slipping on paper towels fallen to the tile floor and landing flat on my back
  • Falling down stairs and landing flat on my back
  • Falling off horses and landing flat on my back (scrawled across jump poles, no less)
  • Slipping on wet decking and landing flat on my back
  • Slipping on wet decking and landing in a split
  • Spilling drinks on computers, important paperwork, and other valuable items
  • Dribbling hot coffee down my shirt, in my lap, and onto the lovely white carpet
  • Sputtering soda across the dinner table when someone makes an exceptionally witty remark
I am quite graceful, as you can see.

(Yes, I really have done all those things.)

Day 20: A Hobby of Mine
I have quite a few--horses, writing, reading, piano...

Day 21: Something I Know I Do Differently Than Most People
I just have to fold straw and candy wrappers before throwing them away. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it until others give me funny looks as I reach for their wrappers and neatly begin creasing them.

Day 22: A Website
...A website? This right here is a website!

Day 23: A Way in which I Want to be Remembered
I hope that I might be remembered for impacting others in a positive way.

Day 24: A Movie No One Would Expect I Love
I'm so predictable, I don't think anyone who knows me would be surprised at any of the movies I like.

Day 25: A Recipe
I'm rather kitchen challenged, and the only food I have ever (semi-)successfully made without adult supervision--save for Easy Mac or pre-made Nestle cookie dough out of a tube--is Hershey Bar Pie. This is probably due to the simplicity of it--it has three necessary ingredients and requires no contact with ovens, sharp knives, or any of my other worst nightmares.

6 regular Hershey bars
1 nine-ounce container of Cool Whip*
1 graham cracker pie crust (chocolate and Oreo crusts taste great too!)

Melt Hershey bars over medium heat in double boiler, or slowly in microwave. Remove from heat and add Cool Whip. Pour in crust and chill.

I also add chocolate chips sometimes.

*Works best if Cool Whip is allowed to stand at room temperature

Day 26: A Childhood Memory
I still remember one of my earliest--or perhaps my very first--pony rides, at a quaint farm in Vermont. She was a sorrel mare named Sandy, and I was elated as I was led 'round in circles on her. I brought home a stuffed horse I christened after the real pony.

Day 27: A Physical Feature I Love
Silky manes!

Day 28: A Scar I Have and Its Story
Once I was having a mysterious, persistent rash, so I went to the dermatologist, who took a plug out of my diseased arm to send off for testing. It turned out that I only had hives, and a better doctor could have figured that out without taking a hole punch to my skin. I still have a small, faint scar on my right upper arm.

Day 29: Hopes, Dreams, and Plans I Have for the Next 365 Days
My plan is to continue to hope and dream.

Day 30: A Motto or Philosophy
Love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.

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