
Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 1: A Favorite Song

I'm a bit late getting around to posting this--I said I'd post today, and it's only seven minutes till tomorrow--but celebrating my father's birthday, going to my piano lesson, and then going to a childbirth class with my mom has proved a bit time consuming! Anyway, the first topic for the thirty-day challenge is "a favorite song".

Oh man.

Just one?

How am I ever supposed to choose?

I suppose if I were absolutely forced to pick an all-time favorite lyrical piece, one would be Amazing Grace. I love the piano in Chris Tomlin's version. (Okay, I have a very non-tech savvy question. How do you embed video? I cannot figure it out for the life of me...)

And then there's classical. I'm a bit obsessed with classical and I would post dozens of pieces if I had the time to sift through the thousands of YouTube videos and find suitable recordings of each one, but it's getting late, so I'll just leave you with one--the haunting first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

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